Sunday 4 November 2012

Which female author are you?

I just took the Which Female Author are You? quiz here and had to laugh out loud when this came up:

'You are most like Margarat Mitchell.
You are still bemused about how you ended up in this competitive society where you always need to be stronger, slimmer, more successful. You feel that you need to rediscover your center that would allow you to remember what you are and why you are perfect the way you are. And don’t fret if you have to withdraw from society for a while – you won’t be forgotten! There is no better way to generate gossip than to give no reason for it. In any case you are too smart and too diligent to need to compete. Your special skill is research. If you can collect the right data you can generate scandal, doctoral thesis or bestseller depending on your needs. You would, too, but love interferes.  And when the ‘bad boy’ with a terrible reputation and scandalous demeanor swings your way, the instinct to reform him takes over. At the same time you are not likely to lose yourself. Allure is an instinct with you and, spiked up with a healthy dose of attitude, you can pull off just about anything!'

I'd say that is a pretty accurate result for a PhD student!

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